Bikin cake mu jadi makin seru dengan cake topper gemoy / Make your cake more exciting with cute cake topper
Apa sih cake topper itu? Simplenya, cake topper ini adalah dekorasi tambahan untuk cake, yang bikin cake kamu jadi makin lucu dan seru. Ini dia beberapa referensi cake topper gemes untuk kamu coba.
What is a cake topper? So basically, a cake topper is an additional decoration for the cake, which makes your cake even cuter and more exciting. Here are some adorable cake topper references for you to try.
Ini tampilan cake kamu setelah ditambah cake topper gemoy, cek foto dibawah untuk lihat detailnya yaa.
This is what your cake will look like after adding a cute cake topper, check the photo below to see the details.
Ini Lilin Heart, lucu banget yaa bentuk hati <3
This is a Heart Candle, it's really cute in the shape of a heart <3
Kalo ini Lilin Daisy, gemesinn bangett ada mukanya :)
Then here is a Daisy Candle, it's really cute because it has a smiley face :)
Kalo ini Lilin Awan, yang ada muka lucunya juga.
And this is Awan (Cloud) Candle, it has a cute face too.
Kamu juga bisa pakai Cake topper di Mini cakes lohh, makin gemes yaa Mini Milk Berry Cream Cake nya.
You can also use cake topper on mini cakes, the Mini Milk Berry Cream Cake is even more adorable.
Ini dia tampilannya kalo di Mini Cookies n Cream Cake, makin lucu dan meriah karena ada cake topper Fireworks, lilin Heart dan bendera Happy Birthday.
This is what it looks like on a Mini Cookies n Cream Cake, it's even cuter and more festive because there is a Fireworks cake topper, Heart candle and a Happy Birthday flag.
Dibuat simple dengan Bunting flag aja juga tetep gemesin yaa..
Made simple with just a Bunting Flag, it's still CUTE!
Lucu lucu banget kann, kamu bisa dapatkan ini di store Build The Cake @ Creative Box Compound Bintaro Plaza atau bisa juga pesan lewat CS kami via Whatsapp di +62-811-8384-460
It's really cute, right? You can get this at the Build The Cake @ Creative Box Compound Bintaro Plaza or you can also order via Whatsapp at +62-811-8384-460
Cake & Happines are best when shared ;)
Build The Cake Team