Cookies n Cream Cake, kejutan disetiap suapan / Cookies n Cream Cake, surprises in every bite
Cookies n Cream Cake, kejutan disetiap suapan / Cookies n Cream Cake, surprises in every bite
Halo BTC Lovers, kenalan yuk sama Cookies n Cream Cake!
Hello BTC Lovers, let's get to know Cookies n Cream Cake!
Cookies n Cream Cake ini spesial banget loh, karena disetiap suapannya selalu ada kejutan dari teksturnya. Kamu pasti bingung kan maksudnya gimana. Yukk, kita bahas satu satu yaa..
This Cookies n Cream Cake is really special, because in every bite there is always a surprise in its texture. You must be confused about what that means, right? Come on, let's discuss it one by one.
Kita mulai dari paling bawah, ada Soft cake Cocoa Noir. Apa itu Soft cake? ini tuh termasuk kategori Sponge cake. Tapii, yang kami buat ini sedikit berbeda, karena lembuttt banget teksturnya kayak awan. Apalagi ini rasa Cocoa noir atau rasa coklat hitam. Nah coklat hitam ini lebih halus dan tidak pahit dibanding dengan coklat gelap. Jadi kebayang kann? tekstur cake yang lembut dengan rasa coklat yang halus, mmm yummy! Nah lanjut krim di tengah ini adalah krim Cookies n Cream, tekstur creamnya ini agak padat dan ada perpadungan crunchy dari potongan biskuit coklat hitam. Lanjut, krim yang terakhir adalah krim ganache coklat yang kental dan nyoklat banget. Terus didekorasi dengan krim chantilly vanila ringan dan taburan biskuit coklat hitam. Coba bayangin itu semua ada dalam 1 suapan, auto BOOM pecahh banget dimulut!! Bener bener dibikin manja kan sama perpaduan teksturnyaa?
We start from the bottom, there is Cocoa Noir soft cake. What is soft cake? This is included in the Sponge cake category. But, what we made is a little different, because it's really soft, the texture is like a cloud. Moreover, this is Cocoa Noir or black chocolate flavor. Well, Cocoa Noir is smoother and less bitter than dark chocolate. So you can imagine, right? Soft cake texture with a smooth chocolate taste, mmm yummy! Now, the cream in the middle is Cookies n Cream, the texture of the cream is a little bit heavy and there is a crunchy combination from the chocolate biscuit pieces. Moving on, the last cream is chocolate ganache cream that is thick and chocolatey. Next, we decorated the cake with light vanilla chantilly cream and chocolate biscuit. Try to imagine it all in 1 bite, BOOM It really bursts in your mouth!! It really makes you feel spoiled by the combination of textures, right?
Pastinya cake ini bakal seru banget dimakan rame rame. Apalagi buat acara ulang tahun maupun untuk acara lainnya seperti, acara kantor, acara tahun baruan bersama keluarga, acara pernikahan, dll. Kamu bisa request pesan / tulisan di atas cakenya sesuai tema acara kamu yaa. Untuk acara anak - anak pasti cocok karena ada Cookies n Cream nya. Kalo ingin memberikan kado buat cowok juga masuk karena warnanya yang simple coklat dan putih. Buat cewek pun juga bisaa karna tampilannya yang lucu. Pokoknya buat pecinta coklat dan vanilla pasti cocok sama Cookies n Cream Cake.
Surely this cake will be very fun to eat. Especially for birthday events and other events such as office events, New Year events with family, wedding events, etc. You can request to decorate a greeting message on the cake according to the theme of your event. For children's events, it is definitely suitable because there are Cookies n Cream. It's also suitable for men because the colors are simple brown and white. It's also possible for women because it looks cute. However, for chocolate and vanilla lovers, this Cookies n Cream Cake will definitely suit you.
Cookies n Cream Cake ini ada 2 ukuran yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai berapa banyak peserta yang mau kamu ajak makan bareng. - Medium / d 15 cm x t 5 cm / 6 – 8 porsi. - Large / d 20 cm x t 5 cm / 14 – 16 porsi.
There are 2 sizes of Cookies n Cream Cake that you can choose according to how many participants you want to eat together. - Medium / d 15 cm x h 5 cm / 6 – 8 portions. - Large / d 20 cm x h 5 cm / 14 – 16 portions.
Nah buat kamu yang masih mau coba coba dulu, Cookies n Cream Cake juga ada ukuran mini nya lohh. Tersedia di Store kami (Build The Cake @ Creative Box Compound Bintaro Plaza dan Gofood/Grabfood (Build The Cake @ Creative Box). Bisa tambah tambah cake topper dan lilin gemoy kayak ginii. Makin meriah dan lucu cakenya!!
So, for those of you who still want to try it first, Cookies n Cream Cake also has a mini size. Available at our Store (Build The Cake @ Creative Box Compound Bintaro Plaza) and Gofood/Grabfood (Build The Cake @ Creative Box). You can add cute cake topper and candles like this and the cake will be even more exciting and cute!!
Cakenya kami buat FRESH setelah kamu pesan. Untuk cake ukuran medium & large, pemesanan minimal H – 1 yaa. Pengiriman ke seluruh Jakarta, Tangerang Kota & Tangerang Selatan.
We make the cake FRESH after you order it. For medium & large size cakes, order at least the day before. Delivery to all Jakarta, Tangerang City & South Tangerang.
Ini dia penampakkannya setelah dipotong 1 porsi untuk orang dewasa. Wahh jadi kebayang lagi betapa nikmat dan memanjakannya Si Cookies n Cream Cake ini!! Silahkan klik link di bawah (Related Products) untuk lihat info lengkap pemesanan yaa.
This is what it looks like after cutting 1 portion for adults. Wow, imagine how delicious and indulgent this Cookies n Cream Cake is!! Please click the link below (Related Products) to see more about ordering information.