Kenalan sama karakter Build The Cake, Bili & Ceki / Meet Build The Cake's new character, Bili & Ceki
Pertama - tama, kenalan dulu yuk sama Bili & Ceki. Jadi, Bili & Ceki adalah Build The Cake detective yang
bertugas memecahkan masalah tentang dunia kue. Misi pertamanya bisa dilihat dibawah yaa.
First thing first, let's get to know Bili & Ceki. So, Bili & Ceki are Build The Cake detectives tasked with
solving problems in the world of cakes. The first mission can be seen below.
Check our first mission here!
Nah karena banyak yang suka sama Bili & Ceki, akhirnya kami buat cake yang terinspirasi dari Bili & Ceki.
Kamu bisa lihat fotonya dibawah, gemas banget yaa. Dari yang awalnya cuma bisa lihat dilayar,
sekarang ada bentuknya dan bahkan bisa dimakan!!
So, because many people like Bili & Ceki, we finally made a cake inspired by Bili & Ceki.
You can see the photo below, it's really CUTE. From what initially could only be seen on the screen,
now it has a shape and can even be eaten!!
"Bili & Ceki Cake memang isinya ada apa min?" Oke kami jelasin dari Bili Cake dulu yaaa.
"What's inside Bili & Ceki Cake, min?" OK, let's explain Bili Cake first.
Seperti yang kamu lihat difoto, bentuk Bili Cake itu seperti dome atau setengah lingkaran dan isinya ada lapisan cake dan cream.
Untuk cake nya kami buat dari soft cake cokelat yang lembut. Kemudian dilapisi dengan krim chantilly cokelat yang creamy
dan nge blend sama soft cakenya. Lalu dilapis lagi sampai 4 lapisan, baru di cover pakai Italian buttercream yang super yummy!!
Dan biar mirip Bili, kami tambah dekorasi kuping dan mata Bili di atasnya.
As you can see in the photo, the shape of Bili Cake is like a dome and it's filled with layers of cakes and creams.
For the cake, it's chocolate soft cake. Then it is coated with chocolate chantilly cream which is creamy
and blends with the soft cake. Then it is coated again up to 4 layers, then covered with super yummy Italian buttercream!!
And to make it look like Bili, we added Bili's ears and eyes decoration on top.
Nah sedangkan Ceki Cake, bentuknya juga sama seperti Bili. Namun, isinya berbeda. Untuk cakenya kami buat dari
soft cake vanila confetti yang juga lembut. Kemudian dilapisi dengan krim chantilly vanila yang juga
nge blend sama soft cakenya. Lalu dilapis lagi sampai 4 lapisan, baru di cover juga pakai Italian buttercream.
Sama seperti Bili Cake, Ceki Cakepun ditambah dekorasi kuping dan mata agar mirip dengan karakter Ceki.
The shape of Ceki Cake is also the same as Bili Cake. However, the filling is different. For the Ceki Cake,
we made it from vanilla confetti soft cake which is also soft. Then it is coated with vanilla chantilly cream which also blends
with the soft cake. Then it is coated again up to 4 layers, then it is also covered with Italian buttercream.
Just like Bili Cake, Ceki Cake is also decorated with ears and eyes to make it similar to Ceki's character.
Selain gemes & so pasti enak, Bili & Ceki Cake ini juga pastinya bakalan nambahin keseruan dan kemeriahan setiap acara ulang tahun.
Lucu kan foto bareng Bili & Ceki cake, pasti keinget terus memorinyaa.
Besides the cake being cute and delicious, Bili & Ceki cake will also bring more fun and fetivities to any birthday parties.
It's so cute taking pictures together with Bili & Ceki cake, the memory will last forever.
Build The Cake Team