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Gluten-free Almond Vanilla Soft...
Soft cake vanila gluten-free yang super lembut, dibalur dengan lapisan coklat rasa kacang almon dengan potongan kacang almon. Enak banget! Super soft gluten-free vanilla soft cake, covered with almond chocolate and chunks of almonds. Super good!
IDR 149,000Gluten-free Chocolate Cashew...
Soft cake gluten-free coklat yang super lembut, dibalut dengan lapisan coklat dan kacang mete. Enak banget! Super soft gluten-free chocolate soft cake, coated with chocolate and cashew. Super good!
IDR 149,000Mini Soft Cake Box
Soft cake berukuran mini (1 porsi), dalam kontener plastik individu, lengkap dengan sendok kayu. Sedap dan siap santap! Mini sized Soft Cake (1 portion), in individualized tray container, complete with wooden spoon. Delicious and ready to eat!
IDR 164,000Tiny Soft Cake Box
Ukuran tiny dari rasa favorit Soft cake. Seru dan gampang untuk berbagi yang enak - enak! Tiny size of the favorit flavors of Soft cake. Fun and easy way to share what's good!
IDR 295,000Almond Vanilla Soft Cake
Soft cake rasa vanila yang super lembut, dibalur dengan lapisan coklat rasa kacang almon dengan potongan kacang almon. Enak banget! Super soft vanilla soft cake, covered with almond chocolate and chunks of almonds. Super good!
IDR 149,000Cotton Candy Soft Cake
Soft cake stroberi yang super lembut, dibalur dengan lapisan coklat pink rasa stroberi dan rice crispies. Enak banget! Super soft strawberry soft cake, covered with pink strawberry chocolate and rice crispies. So good!
IDR 149,000Mini Mandarin Chocolate Soft...
Nikmati Mini Mandarin Chocolate Soft Cake Box dari Build The Cake! Perpaduan kue cokelat lembut & krim keju dengan sentuhan cokelat jeruk mandarin dan kacang mete, cocok untuk hadiah atau camilan spesial. Pesan sekarang! Enjoy the Mini Mandarin Chocolate Soft Cake Box from Build The Cake! A delightful combination of soft chocolate cake & cream cheese...
IDR 248,000Red Velvet Soft Cake
Soft cake Red Velvet dengan lapisan Original Build The Cake cream cheese dan lapisan luar cokelat dan kacang almon, ditambah dekor fondan pita merah, cantik dilihat dan pastinya enak dimakan! Red Velvet soft cake with layer of Build The Cake cream cheese and coated with dark chocolate and almonds, and added with red bow fondant for decoration, pretty to...
IDR 185,000Cookies n Cream Soft Cake
Soft cake Cocoa Noir yang super lembut, dibalur dengan lapisan coklat putih dan biskuit Cocoa Noir. Enak banget! Cocoa Noir soft cake, covered with white chocolate and Cocoa Noir cookie crumbs. So good!
IDR 149,000
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