Ide Hampers yang Enak dan Seru untuk Lebaran 2024 / Hampers ideas for delicious and fun Eid al-Fitr 2024
1. Nastar Volcano Hampers
Hampers ini cocok banget untuk di kirim ke saudara atau teman yang suka berkreasi. Karena selain sudah pasti enak,
isi Hampers ini perlu disusun dulu biar lebih sempurna, seru kan.
These hampers are really suitable for sending to relatives or friends who like to be creative. Because apart from being delicious,
the contents of these Hampers need to be prepared first so they are more perfect, that's exciting, right?
Isi / Contains :
- Nastar Volcano cake
- Lava Cream
- Nastar Cheese Crumble
Cara susun :
- Siapkan Nastar Volcano cake di piring saji
- Tuangkan Lava cream ke tengah cake sampai tumpah keluar
- Taburkan Nastar Cheese Crumble sesuai selera
How to arrange :
- Prepare the Nastar Volcano cake on a serving plate
- Pour Lava cream into the middle of the cake until it spills out
- Sprinkle Nastar Cheese Crumble according to taste.
Link :
2. Milk Volcano Cake
Hampers ini cocok banget untuk di kirim ke saudara atau teman yang suka sama rasa kekinian. Cake ini terinpirasi dari Milk Bun asal Thailand yang viral, dan ini versi cakenya. Cake ini juga rasanya “susu” banget, sesuai dengan namanya, jadi pasti disukain ole para pecinta susu.
These hampers are really suitable for sending to relatives or friends who like contemporary flavors. This cake was inspired by the viral Milk Bun from Thailand, and this is the cake version. This cake also tastes really "milky", as the name suggests, so it's sure to be a hit with milk lovers.
Link :
3. Lychee Mochi Pudding Cake
Hampers ini cocok banget untuk di kirim ke saudara atau teman yang suka sama yang cantik dan mewah. Pudding cake ini selain segar rasa Leci, ada Mochi nya yang bikin nagih, perpaduan warnanya cantik banget terus ada tambahan edible Gold Leaf yang bikin tambah mewah sekali.
These hampers are really suitable for sending to relatives or friends who like beautiful and luxurious things. Apart from the fresh lychee flavor, this pudding cake also has Mochi which makes you addicted, the color combination is really beautiful and there is the addition of edible Gold Leaf which makes it even more luxurious.
Link :
4. Special Desserts Box
Hampers ini cocok banget untuk di kirim ke saudara atau teman yang suka nyoba-nyobain makanan / foodies.
Karena isi hampers ini banyak macamnya dan pastinya enak enak semua.
Ada 2 ukurannya, Large dan Medium, yang beda adalah jumlah isinya.
These hampers are really suitable for sending to relatives or friends who like to try food/foodies.
Because there are many kinds of contents in this hamper and they are definitely all delicious.
There are 2 sizes, Large and Medium, the difference is the amount of content.
Link :
5. Almond Soft Cake
Hampers ini cocok banget untuk di kirim ke saudara atau teman yang suka sesuatu yang nyaman. Soft cake rasa vanilla yang super lembut, dibalut dengan coklat rasa kacang almon asli dengan taburan kacang almon, terasa sekali bahan baku premium yang digunakan dalam cake yang satu ini. Cake ini juga sifatnya less sweet atau tidak begitu manis jadi pas untuk dikirim ke orang tua. Almond Soft Cake ini juga lagi promo Cake Of The Month selama bulan Maret 2024, diskon 10 % Off, jadi pas banget untuk jadi bingkisan.
These hampers are really suitable for sending to relatives or friends who like something comfortable. Super soft vanilla flavored soft cake, covered in real almond flavored chocolate and sprinkled with almonds, it really feels like the premium raw materials used in this cake. This cake is also less sweet or not that sweet so it is suitable for sending to parents. This Almond Soft Cake is also having a Cake of the Month promotion during March 2024, 10% discount off, so it's perfect as a gift.
Link :
Nah, bagaimana ide idenya, semoga bisa kasih solusi untuk kirim kirim bingkisan, ke orang orang tersayang dan kerabat. Tapi kalo penasaran pengen coba, gapapa juga untuk kirim diri sendiri. Langsung aja ke pesan melalui website, whatsapp, atau melalui market place kesukaan kamu.
So, what are the ideas, hopefully we can provide a solution for sending gifts to loved ones and relatives. But if you're curious and want to try it, it's okay to send it yourself. Just order directly via the website, WhatsApp, or via your favorite market place.
Cake & Happiness are best when shared ;)
Build The Cake Team
1 Comment
yoga 04/26/2024 Reply
wah buaat hampers enak banget nih